Teachers United States

Too much stress for teachers and students; survey results

Too much stress for teachers and students

More than 60% percent of the teachers have confessed that their work is quite stressful, generally all the time, when compared to all the other professions.
This is the conclusion from a survey conducted by the American Federation of Teachers and Badass Teachers Association, which included the opinion of more than 5000 teachers.
Some notable reasons came out to be overcrowded classrooms, huge workloads and the significant difference from the 2015 survey was Trumps’ administration.
Teachers also feel that their contribution to the school and its affairs is minimum and unsatisfied with the pay, as compared to the long hours of work they do. A former teacher from Arizona explained how she felt as a teacher. She felt always stressed. Would come back from school, doze off, wake up for dinner and then sleep till the next day with the same schedule.
The most upsetting thing that the survey results gave away was that almost 30 % of the teachers were bullied and 35% of them were bullied by their colleagues- other teachers or the principal. Alarmingly, 50% of them were bullied by their students. This is just one side of the coin though.

Teachers and students feel “less secure”

Another survey conducted by UCLA showed that the students have been facing similar problems. Since Trump’s administration, they feel less secure. With the frequent gun shootings and racial discrimination on the basis of color or community, the environment has become completely hostile for the kids.
Bullying which was once plummeting has been on the rise again, and somewhere the administration is to blame.
With such difficult and hostile environments at the school, immediate actions must be taken for the sake of students as well as the teachers as well.


Mihir Sharma

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