
Emotional Intelligence skills: Imperative for workplace success in 2020

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to know and understand individual emotions as well as the emotions of other people. According to research, emotional intelligence is very important for succeeding in the workplace.

Higher Emotional Intelligence quotient leads to higher salaries

Researchers from the Virginia Commonwealth University perused previous works on the topic of emotional intelligence and concluded that higher intelligence levels are congruent to higher job output among employees. In 2013, The Rotuman School of Management reiterated that people with a higher emotional intelligence score are able to deduce better decisions.
The research findings indicate that the best emotionally intelligent way to make up decisions when anxious is to not make conclusive decisions right away. Therefore emotionally intelligent people do not entirely remove their emotions from decision making but they do away with the emotions that are not related to the decision.
One of the benefits of emotional intelligence is that it leads to higher pay in reference to research from Bonn University. People with higher emotional intelligence quotient have better political skills and are more likely to earn more than their low-rated counterparts. The benefits of emotional intelligence should deride every individual to strive to have a higher score. In fact, most of the companies today assess an employee’s ability to make decisions while in the workplace.

Testing Emotional Intelligence for job recruitments

Testing emotional intelligence is done through a competence exam which indicates emotional competence in the workplace and is available for commercial and research use.
While interviewing 40 corporate managers from Switzerland during a GECO test, questions on the situations that they faced fear and anger or sheer happiness were posed to them. The GECO test spans into four major categories such as understanding personal emotions, the regulation, and management of one’s emotions with respect to other people’s emotions.
The findings indicated that the immediate context was everything and someone would mistake that cooperation was the most singular solution to the situations. Women performed better than their male counterparts especially when it came to the interpretation of non-verbal emotions. The findings also show that emotional intelligence skills can be worked on by anybody.
Moreover, emotional intelligence increases with experience and age meaning its an aspect that grows with time and it can be improved. A person seeking to get a job in the corporate world should seek to boost their emotional intelligence first.
Featured image credits: Bing


Martin Ngahu

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