Europe Teachers List of safety demands from European teachers union too impossible... Ken Vincent Rosales August 10, 2020 The National Education Union releases its list of safety demands for teachers before reporting back to physical classes. Government: Impossible...
Asia Teachers Chalk allowance for teachers not applicable in blended learning Ken Vincent Rosales August 10, 2020 DepEd announces that the chalk allowance for teachers will be renamed cash allowance for blended learning. Chalk allowance for teachers...
Australia Teachers Australian teachers voicing out their stress over online learning Ken Vincent Rosales August 5, 2020 “Stressed out,” this is how Australian teachers define their teaching experience during the pandemic. Burned out Australian teachers Premier of...
Asia Teachers No physical reporting for teachers and school staff according to... Ken Vincent Rosales July 29, 2020 The Department of Education urged district heads that no physical reporting for teachers and school staff should be strictly followed....
Teachers New matchmaking for education professionals app overturns career setbacks due... ifeanyi July 25, 2020 Tom Rogers, a UK (United Kingdom) History teacher, has put to good use the imposed holidays by creating the matchmaking...
Africa Teachers Educator's Union of South Africa won't allow schools to reopen Ken Vincent Rosales July 23, 2020 The Educator’s Union of South Africa insists that schools shouldn’t be reopened amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Educator’s Union of South...
Teachers United States Three Arizona teachers caught COVID-19 by sharing classroom during summer... Ken Vincent Rosales July 13, 2020 One of the three Arizona teachers who was diagnosed with COVID-19 died last June 26. Arizona teachers infected with COVID-19...
Teachers DepEd cautions teachers groups on defamatory allegations ifeanyi July 8, 2020 The Department of Education has given their official statement on the issues between them and teachers in Manila. According to...
Teachers Teachers group wants modification of DepEd order ifeanyi July 1, 2020 A teachers group in Manila, the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) has urged the Inter-Agency Taskforce to suspend their resumption...
Europe Teachers 40K additional teachers in the UK return to work Kelvin Maina June 24, 2020 Teachers in the UK are slowly coming back to classes amid coronavirus concerns. In one week, the number of teachers...