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Online Therapy: A better alternative to on site therapy

online therapy

Not all scars can be seen, I heard someone say that the other day. He was an old friend and he revealed to me that finally, he got on a call with a therapist for his growing irritability, lack of sleep, an unexplainable sense of foreboding, to the point that he can’t eat nor sleep. Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it. Sounds familiar?
You may think illness is to blame for that irritating headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the cause. Where are we going with this? Your spouse, child or a parent – might be crying for help but you do not notice. Or worst, you are in denial. So, what’s to be done if you know someone who needs help and you’re not qualified to provide it? Please seek help before it’s too late.
Mental Health America released a current report from more than 6 million completed mental health screenings (through August 2020), on screening results from a help-seeking population, and both U.S. Census Bureau 2020 Pulse Survey data, which included brief depression and anxiety screening questions, and survey data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which revealed that:

  1. Current prevalence of mental illnesses in the population, both among children and adults, are under-reported.
  2. Mental health effects of the pandemic at its start may have shifted as to the state of mental health due to #1.
  3. Relative rankings of the  severity of mental health would NOT have changed solely because of the pandemic.

mental illness

Why you need help from a professional 

Mental health disorders often go undiagnosed: Bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder. In many cases, a mental illness goes undiagnosed, due to an individual’s failure or hesitance to seek treatment, as well as misdiagnosis from a mental health provider.
Online therapy offers access to mental health information and treatment to people in rural or remote areas. Those who live in such areas simply might not have access to any other form of mental health treatment because there are limited or no mental health practices in their geographic area.
As the name implies, online therapy concerns any health-related issue, treatment, medication, and discussion accomplished online. Majority of individuals prefer this treatment method to in-office therapy because it is done without traveling long distances. Several online platforms have been made available for many individuals to choose from and speak to therapists at their convenience. 
It can sometimes be a hurdle for people to build relationships with their therapists virtually, but other times it is more convenient and easier to do so. Online therapy may be a suitable alternative to in-person therapy, as the convenience factor plays a big role in some people getting the help that they need. There are people who find in-person therapy  to be more beneficial as having conversations with your therapist who is physically in front of you, can be more comforting than not. Therefore, it is essential to find the right fit for you and for your needs. 

A most important feature of online therapy 

The use of technology in individual and couples therapy is seen as an essential feature in online therapy. Tech-related treatment, otherwise known as telemedicine, is a more convenient and reliable method associated with online therapy. 
Just by searching for online telemedicine platforms, you can get the best online therapists available 24/7. In just a single step, by creating an account, you will link up with many online therapists that will offer you the best of medications related to your area of need.  

Why is online therapy better than onsite therapy? 

Although both methods have the same motives, using necessary tools to meet the need of crucial treatment, online therapy is better. There are greater risks nowadays going to hospitals and clinics. Chances are, a patient is unlikely to constantly meet the appointed schedule due to many related factors connected with travel and contact with other people. A protracted treatment can be more injurious than no treatment at all.
Unlike on site therapy, which requires you to book appointments, stay in the queue and travel long or short distances to see your therapist, online therapy places your therapists right in your palms. With just a text message or a call, depending on the type of online platform you intend to use, you can ask your therapists any question on the go and at your convenience. 

Problems with choosing the best online therapist 

online therapy
Presently, there are many ways to choose an online therapist, with many available 24/7 online. Even as online therapists are readily available, building a strong relationship is another factor. Many individuals often face the same problem of finding the perfect therapist based on their preference, i.e., country of origin, language, qualifications, etc. 
A lot of people have given up on online therapy due to problems of choosing the best therapists. The regular complaints have been related to ethnicity and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, choosing the best therapist remains a massive problem in online therapy. 
For all instances, I would suggest that if the concerned person is not comfortable with your choice of a therapist, don’t force the issue or you will be worse off. According to choice theory, it is through the development of close, caring relationships that we can most effectively fulfill our other needs and achieve happiness. Think of the other person as yourself, how would it feel being forced into opening up to a stranger?
Unfortunately, people frequently use external control (i.e., various types of coercive force such as criticizing, threatening, and nagging) to attempt to get others to do what they would like them to do with the misguided belief that this will help others to best satisfy their needs. As a mother, I’ve been guilty of the same, alienating my kids when I just want to help them. Even my friend chose a therapist because he does not want me disappointed.

The cost of online therapy

Even as online therapy has the same potency as on site therapy, it is relatively cheaper than in-office therapy because of the less effort online therapists put in comparison to physical therapists.  Also, with online video sessions, you can hide your face while speaking to your online therapist. This feature is a unique aspect of online therapy, and it costs an average of $69, which is lesser than the average cost of $139 for an in-office appointment. 
There might actually be cheaper services within your own area but locality won’t be an issue as you do not need to travel to make an appointment and you can continue the service in the comfort and safety of your own home, minimizing the pressure of travelling, meeting other people and facing your therapist face to face.


It isn’t easy to book an appointment with a on site therapist these days due to the overflowing capacity of hospitals with Covid-19 related cases. Oftentimes, it’s not even advisable to go to a hospital these days as you might even end up transmitting the virus.
On the other hand, booking an online appointment is relatively easy and stress-free. Therefore, it is advisable to choose online therapy because it is clearly the best form of therapy. Search online for reviews about the online therapy platforms you want to use and make your decision today. 


Doris Cornago

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