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Choosing a Study-Buddy When Learning English

Although English is the most widely-spoken language in the world, it’s also considered one of the hardest to learn and master. With so many unique dialects, tones, inflections and terms, it’s by far the most diverse language in the West and can be tricky to learn as a second language. Fortunately, for those wanting to study English, there are several tricks and techniques that can help to speed-up the process, and one of the most prominent as identified by leading researchers, is to choose a study-buddy. As English is a language that relies on communication skills, it can also help to have someone to bounce off of during a study session, or when practicing in general. In this article, we’ll be exploring just how beneficial a study-buddy can be and why expert linguists recommend using them whenever possible.

What is a Study-Buddy?

A study-buddy is a person who is willing to learn at the same pace as another, and will be keen to spend time with them to learn how best to process information together. Sometimes a human study won’t be available and this is why students will turn to AI for help, especially those that offer “speech to text solutions that can help to learn a language both verbally, as well as in writing.

CapCut offers these types of services, with options to convert speech into text, as well as text back into speech – making communication between students and their computer all the more easy. The process is fairly simple and the first thing to do is to visit the CapCut website. Once loaded, the student will be able to navigate to the relevant section allowing them to convert their speech into text, and they can access their microphone.

They’ll be free to talk into the microphone directly and the AI provided by CapCut will begin analyzing each and every word. The more that the student talks, the more speech will be converted and when they are finished, they can download the entire dialogue with minimal fuss. The quickest way to do this is by signing up to CapCut’s services by creating an account, which is as simple as setting up an email address and password. This can be a fantastic way for the student to practice speaking English, as well as learning from any grammatical mistakes as defined by the AI whilst it translates.

Picking a Human Study-Buddy

For those that attend school, college, or university, the likelihood of finding a suitable study-buddy will be even more prevalent. It can be as simple as making friends with a classmate and then asking them if they’d like to study English together. There are three unique processes to learning English as a language. These include:

  • Speaking English
  • Reading English
  • Understanding English

As time goes by and with careful practice, English will be picked-up and this will be far more rapid of a process if there are at least two people communicating in the language itself.

For instance, if both students agree to only talk in English for a day, then they will be forcing themselves to communicate using the words that they know. The next day could be more focused on writing to one another, and then testing how well each person understands what is being said to them.

Over time, the students should find that the techniques that they use begin to develop and they might even be able to begin using the dialect and accent of a relevant location whenever they choose to do so.

Practice Makes Perfect

A carefully structured learning strategy can be a good way to improve the speed in which English can be learned, without reducing the quality of a student’s education. For example, if classes are taken at set times, then the student could take their materials home, meet up with their study-buddy and then begin practicing further.

This could be as little as 30 to 60 minutes a day, and if the prospect of studying extensively ever gets too much, then there are recommended alternatives such as creating comic books where the characters talk English, or by coloring pictures using CapCut’s image colorization tool. As long as text is included, then it will feel like less of a chore, and more of a fun activity or a hobby.

As time goes by, both students, or the entire group of study-buddies will find that they each can bring their own knowledge and expertise to the table, and as more people choose to engage with one another in English, they’ll be able to find their own ways to fast-track their education. Other tips include reading books in English, copying words that are hard to say or understand, and trying to communicate whilst out and about in the UK, where shopkeepers and retailers will undoubtedly appreciate the effort and encourage the students to practice more.

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