Asia Universities Free training for teachers offered by 6 universities in the... Ken Vincent Rosales July 10, 2020 To help minor institutions, six major PH colleges are offering free training for teachers on adaptable learning. Free training for...
Europe Universities City University's Cass building renamed, linked to slave trade in... Ken Vincent Rosales July 7, 2020 Renaming of the city University’s Cass building was approved after links to slavery surfaced. City University’s Cass Building The City...
Europe Universities Universities in the UK, urged to open more opportunities for... Ken Vincent Rosales July 2, 2020 Universities should open more opportunities for disadvantaged students to inspire others to do the same. Open more opportunities for the...
United States Universities Woodrow Wilson’s name to be removed by Princeton University over... Kelvin Maina June 28, 2020 Princeton University will no longer be associated with the name Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the US. The Ivy...
India Universities Scrap final year exams for final year students in India,... Kelvin Maina June 26, 2020 Final year exams for final students should be scrapped according to a report by UGC. The report recommended universities to...
Europe Universities Bradford College lays off 107 due to coronavirus economic impact Kelvin Maina June 25, 2020 Bradford College has announced that it will be firing 107 staff in order to balance the books. They noted the...
Africa Universities Coronavirus reshapes higher learning in Africa Kelvin Maina June 25, 2020 Higher education in Africa will be forever changed due to lockdowns that resulted from the spread of coronavirus. Universities are...
Europe United States Universities Redistribution of international students worldwide Ken Vincent Rosales June 25, 2020 Education experts expect a redistribution of international students from the usual major countries due to the pandemic. Redistribution of international...
Europe Universities Language students in the UK facing a difficult time traveling... Kelvin Maina June 14, 2020 The year abroad program for language students in the UK is being abandoned after the spread of coronavirus in the...
Asia Universities Exam cheating concerns grow as South Korea starts administering online... Kelvin Maina June 13, 2020 Exam cheating has become a major concern for many universities who are considering administering online exams in South Korea. Across...